29 October 2012

If you can't sell your employer on a standing desk...

You should consider investing $20-30 dollars in your own health.

I'm almost 29 years old. I'm getting tubby, and I have back pain. I think that part of the problem is that I sit for at least 8 hours a day, and sitting is bad for my health.

I was talking with one of the facilities staff in my office today . She said that without getting a doctor's note saying that I need a standing desk, I'm going to have a hard time convincing the company to pay for one.

For between $20 and $30, you can build your own.  I'll build one, and see if the company I work for can't be guilted in to reimbursing me.

And yes, I'm hopping on the standing desk bandwagon. At least I don't have a fixie.

Would your employer spring for a standing desk? Would you?

1 comment:

  1. I have a friend who, after being injured in a snow skiing accident, opted to try a standing desk for the period of his recovery. He never went back. In his opinion there were so many health benefits (he actually attributed some of his weight loss to it) but not all of them were ergonomic issues. For example, he found that the period after lunch when he used to feel sleepy was no longer such an issue. He also felt that he was able to keep his mind on task much easier than before simply because he was not slumping in his chair.

    I haven't thought about the standing desk issue in a long time, but I hope you'll keep us updated on your progress with it as it might be something that others of us want to look at later...after you've done the "guinea pig" thing. :-)
