26 October 2012

Tech Tools: Prezi and SpicyNodes

This migration from page to blog post represents the first in a series of tools related posts. This is recycled content, but we had to start somewhere.

STC Committee member Bea Amaya collected this information. 

"Prezi is a web-based presentation application and storytelling tool that uses a single canvas instead of traditional slides. Text, images, videos and other presentation objects are placed on the infinite canvas and grouped together in frames. The canvas allows users to create non-linear presentations, where users can zoom in and out of a visual map. A path through different objects and frames can be defined, representing the order of the information to be presented. The presentation can be developed in a browser window, then downloaded so that an Internet connection is not needed when showing the presentation.   Prezi uses the freemium model. Customers who use the free Prezi Public license must publish their work on the Prezi site. Customers who pay for a Prezi Enjoy or Prezi Pro license can create and share private Prezis. Prezi also offers a special education license for students and educators." Wikipedia

"SpicyNodes is a way to visualize online information that mimics that way that people look for things in the real world. Bits of information — such as text, links, photos, and other media — are placed into 'nodes,' which are then linked together in an appealing interface that invites exploration. SpicyNodes can be used for everything from mind maps and content portals to organizational charts and lesson plans." About SpicyNodes. Feel free to visit one of mine (one I created, but never finished, for my Feminist Theory class) as an example. SpicyNodes is a very cool mind mapping tool that is also free.

1 comment:

  1. SpicyNodes looks amazing - can't wait to try it! But why do I keep thinking the name is SpicyNoodles...must be something to do with your comment about lunch Bea :)

    April Weiss
