17 June 2013

Writing Serendipity

I was at the State Library of Queensland this afternoon, studying for my Postgraduate Certificate in Editing and Electronic Publishing. I grabbed the library's copy of Creator to Consumer, a required reading by Bill Cope and Dean Mason, and made my way over to a corner with a great view.
Inside my book, I found a quirky business card, advertising the services of
Traditional Evolution for editing, proofreading, and other publishing services.
Naturally, I emailed the principle, one Talitha Kalago, to see if she was taking the same course as I. Her website is cool, she has some great writing tips, and I thought it would be really awesome to get some feedback on the course from someone who had already taken it.

She hadn't, but kindly responded to my email suggesting I look into the library's writers group. She also mentioned the idea of guest posting on other peoples blogs. I thought it was amazing that by chance, I had stumbled across an entrepreneurial Australian author, who happens to have a work of young-adult fiction coming out.

Would anyone be interested in a guest post? I'm interested in learning about the business of self publishing and entrepreneurial editing services, marketing in the digital age, and life on the Sunshine Coast. 

1 comment:

  1. Nice post (love the photos), nice follow-up (contacting the biz card owner), and nice idea (guest posts). For those of us not able to take a more active part in group activities, it is this kind of passive participation opportunity that keeps me coming back time and again. Nicely done, Tim!
