One online space called "Issuu" describes the site with, "Explore a world of publications by people and publishers alike. Collect, share and publish in a format designed to make your documents look their very best." I have only used it a time or two, mostly in posting professional documents intended to be shared with a wide audience, but I have to say that I really like it. I like that the site offers an option other than email, for making large [especially] documents available for viewing by clients, customers, or partners. Document producers (publishers) can make online documents available to everyone, available to only those with a link, or unavailable. Users do not have to have an account to visit, open, or read the documents posted there. If you'd like to take a look at one of my documents, feel free to check out the latest TWL 2010 Annual General Report as an example.
The things I like most about the service:
- documents viewed in full-screen mode look sharp and sleek
- page-turning is smooth and elegant
- printing, downloading, sharing are all easy steps to take
- browsing others' publications can be useful as well