08 December 2011

Cool Tools: Issuu

One online space called "Issuu" describes the site with, "Explore a world of publications by people and publishers alike. Collect, share and publish in a format designed to make your documents look their very best." I have only used it a time or two, mostly in posting professional documents intended to be shared with a wide audience, but I have to say that I really like it. I like that the site offers an option other than email, for making large [especially] documents available for viewing by clients, customers, or partners. Document producers (publishers) can make online documents available to everyone, available to only those with a link, or unavailable. Users do not have to have an account to visit, open, or read the documents posted there. If you'd like to take a look at one of my documents, feel free to check out the latest TWL 2010 Annual General Report as an example.

The things I like most about the service:

  • documents viewed in full-screen mode look sharp and sleek
  • page-turning is smooth and elegant
  • printing, downloading, sharing are all easy steps to take
  • browsing others' publications can be useful as well

16 September 2011

STC Certification

I have to admit that I was a little confused over discussions of "certification" in the last couple of STC-Aus meetings. The topic kept turning to "classes", available only in the U.S., and sanctioned by the STC. When I ran across this FAQ today, outlining the differences between "certification" and "certificate", much was explained.
The recently established STC Certification process seems rather straightforward to me. "The Certified Professional in Technical Communication (CPTC) credential provides assurance to employers and the public that the certified practitioner possesses the knowledge, skill, and ability expected of a competent technical communicator to meet the demands of technical communication projects, today and tomorrow," is the way they describe it. The fees for this service, good through the end of the year, are $99 (USD) for the application, $495 for the assessment, and a $49 yearly maintenance fee. The assessment cost goes up to $595 in 2012.
There are also a list of prerequisites that will definitely be of interest to anyone wanting to obtain certification. And the FAQ is another good place to start and investigate. If there is enough interest, we are also hoping to invite Certification Commission Chair Steven Jong for an online discussion and Q&A session to walk us through the process and answer questions that we might have.
I suggest you start by reviewing the available information, think through what the process might be like for you, then give us feedback on whether or not a group session with Steven would be useful. Together we can move forward from there.

14 September 2011

Call for Proposals for 2012 STC Summit

The Society for Technical Communication invites you to contribute your ideas, studies, experience, and expertise to the 2012 Summit, STC's 59th Annual Conference, taking place 20-23 May 2012 in Chicago-Rosemont, IL.

The Call for Proposals is now open, with submissions due at 10:00 AM EDT (GMT-4) Wednesday, 28 September. All proposals must be submitted through the online submission system.

The Program Committee has updated the tracks for the 2012 Summit, so please review the Call for Proposals website before starting your proposal. The website also includes general information about the conference, descriptions of session formats and required supporting materials, answers to key questions, and a proposal checklist.

The core content of the Summit's education program will be based on the ten tracks, which span the profession. The work you are doing and have done is an important element in the education process, and we invite you to share it with Summit attendees.

For more guidance on submitting a proposal, you can also review this article from the September 2010 issue of Intercom, titled "So You Want to Be a Summit Speaker." Any questions, please email Conference Chair Paul Mueller.

05 August 2011

Experimenting with Chats

After a discussion at our annual meeting, I've spent just a bit of time trying to examine the MULTITUDE of options available for group chats. The one currently in use by the group is VERY functional, but also a bit clunky and quirky. So...I've been looking at other options.

I really like Skype for my own personal use. It is what I use to chat with clients back in the USA as well as to interface with other students in my online classes. I use the video, audio, and the old-fashioned chat features as well as playing the occasional online game with one of my grandchildren (Battleship and Chinese Checkers are favourites!) There are drawbacks, however, as you have to have an account, have the software loaded on your machine, and it is not available if you are at, say, a library or other public place.

Google Chat, Windows Live Messenger, Yahoo Messenger...all are good options. However, the drawback continues to be that some of us have accounts in some, but not all of these. And creating an account just to be used 11 times a year seems a bit, well, wasteful.

So...I've found one that we can actually embed within the blogger website. I haven't gotten a chance to try it out much, but my first look at it lets me know that it is definitely in the running. As a start, I'm going to perform a short comparison between the existing chat client (bluechat) and the one I've embedded here in Blogger (chatroll).

First, I like that both clients are available in a separate window. The BlueChat version launches that way automatically, while in the Chatroll version, it is optional. There are a couple of advantages I see to the Chatroll version, however. First, I can see everyone that is signed in on the right-hand side of the chat window. Next, I can post clickable links if I want to share something with the others in the chatroom, and the link opens in another tab when clicked so the chat is not "lost". In the BlueChat window, the text seems to work in reverse, with the newest messages at the top while in the Chatroll version newer messages go to the bottom of the list. Finally, although this is quite juvenile, I nonetheless like it that I can type in :-) and it will turn into an emoticon in the Chatroll.

The downside is that Chatroll is free for up to 10 users, but costs $9/month for more. Okay, it's not a big downside, but I thought I should add it anyway.

Oh...I just noticed something else that may or may not be an advantage. Although I can't seem to clear off anything typed in the BlueChat window, I can hover and find a small red circle with a "-" sign in it to click and remove any items I want from the Chatroll window.

Looking forward to feedback on this one. Hope you'll try it out yourself, or better yet, drop me a line and invite me to chat with you on it to run it through it's paces! To use the new client, just click on the "Group Chat" tab at the top of this page. Happy Chatting!

03 August 2011

Writing in the News

"The Age Short Story Competition is now accepting entries. Entries must be no longer than 3000 words and should not have been previously published. No more than three stories per person should be submitted. Stories for children are not eligible for this competition. Manuscripts must be typed: double-spaced and on A4 paper." read more

02 August 2011

Message from our new branch President

On Saturday July 3oth, we held our Annual General Meeting in Melbourne at RMIT to confirm the outcome of the elections, deliver reports and plan the year ahead. We had a terrific day with members either attending in person or phoning or skyping in.

I would like to thank the committee members who have agreed to stay on for another year including our past president Marcia Bascombe, our membership organiser Steve Salter, and treasurer Robin Hutchinson.

We have four new members including Bea Amaya, a Texan who is currently residing in Papua New Guinea, who will be taking on the position of blog and webmaster; Mark Ward our new secretary; and two new general members Sonja McShane and Robert Levy.

As you may be aware, last year we struggled at most committee meetings to achieve a quorum but with fresh interest from the membership we should not have that same problem going forward. So thank you to all committee members for returning or joining in spite of heavy family, work and other commitments.

At the AGM, after customary reports for each area, we proceeded to discuss the year ahead. This year we will run the branch technical communication competition. We will update the web page shortly to reflect the information for this year. We look forward to your participation by contributing your work to be judged or to helping with the judging. Stay tuned for more information.

One of the reasons that I continue to remain a member of the STC, and in particular the committee, is to have discussions with others who are interested in technical communication. I enjoy hearing about their work, how they arrived where they are, and where they are going. We will look to showcase some of the interesting people within and outside of the STC who are involved in technical communication.

For example, at this past meeting we had an opportunity to meet Bea our new webmaster. Bea is an amazing example to the community, producing technical documentation in Papua New Guinea and working on a PhD in Technical Communication from Texas Tech University in west Texas, mostly online. I would like to find an opportunity to have Bea talk online and answer questions from the STC members.

We are also looking to have periodic casual get-togethers over coffee or dinner in your state. This way members can meet up face-to-face.

The committee will be looking into technical communication certification or even accreditation options. We have watched other groups such as the Society of Editors do this over the years and it is not a quick process but we will start to take baby steps and see what is involved.

We also will look within and outside at other chapters and other societies to understand what they offer to their membership to ensure the committee’s relevance.

More ideas flowed which we will communicate and work on as the year goes on.

After the AGM we followed tradition and moved to the local pub for a final farewell before members dispersed back to their part of the country or world.

01 August 2011

Tech Tools: Prezi

A few semesters ago, tired of the same old PowerPoint presentations, I began to use a new, online, free tool called "Prezi". Although the formatting options are limited, there is so much about the tool that makes it preferable, in many cases, to PowerPoint. Instead of trying to demonstrate the tool, I thought I would post one of my prezis here for you to see. This was one I did for a chapter review in a class I was taking. I've also used prezis for client presentations, project reporting, in both talk-along-with and stand-alone formats.

Use the right and left arrows at the bottom of the screen to move through the presentation. Feel free to experiment with any other controls you can play with. Finally, I suggest you visit prezi.com to view other presentations and perhaps to set up an account for your own use.

Annual General Meeting 2011

From left to right, Steve, Bea, April, Robin, and Marcia. Click on photo to view larger.

Although I'm only the webmaster, new to the group and the committee, and a U.S. citizen living in PNG to boot, in my opinion the 2011 AGM was a wonderful, productive, and inspirational get-together. I, for one, can't wait to begin work on the new year's activities.

There were 8 attendees to the meeting, 5 of whom were able to attend in person, and 3 who phoned or Skyped in. More details will follow soon, once we get settled back in to our routines and can spend more time on follow-up, but at least we can share the Committee Members listing for the 2011-2012 year.

April Weiss

Past-President/Competitions Coordinator
Marcia Bascombe

Mark Ward

Robin Hutchinson

Meetings Coordinator
Steve Salter

Belinda (Bea) Amaya

General Officer
Sonja McShane

General Officer
Robert Levy

20 July 2011

What would the killer documentation tool do?

I was inspired to write this in response to a passing comment in the current issue of Southern Communicator where Emily Cotlier mentioned that some delegates as the Writers UA Conference bemoaned the absence of open source  Help Authoring Tools (HATs).

Why aren’t there any solutions that support the end-to-end content life cycle content without the need to roll out proprietary software on every desktop? This issue has puzzled me for over a decade too. But going further, I’d like to see an open source solution for the real-world needs of business and technical documentation, not just the contrived "tech-writer world" of HATs. I’ve written in the ASTC LinkedIn group what I think of HATs as a solution to real-world information management: lame.

Here's what I think we the world really needs: systems that enable technical and business folks to easily create content in templates designed by professionals, using a familiar interface, and within a framework that supports re-use without manual slicing and dicing. And it has to track unlimited versions (with review comments) at the paragraph level.

Commercial products like Author-it, RoboHelp and Flare can go part way towards this objective, assuming that a company is willing to splash out for the requisite proprietary software on every desktop, then re-train every employee to use it. Meanwhile, back in the real world, folks go about their business creating content with word processors, just as they have always done and will do for the foreseeable future. This actually creates a discontinuity when such content has to be exchanged with single-source products. Sure, you can import word processor files, but what happens when the various authors and reviewers make changes to it? You have to import it again, and to the best of my knowledge there is no single-sourcing product that can merge the new version with the existing version, nor retain review comments.

Yet this is how people have always processed corporate and technical documents. I can think of two reasons for this mis-fit of problem and solution: (a) it is not in their commercial interest to support it, because they want you to buy their tool for every desktop, including non-professional writers (b) they don’t have sufficient process understanding to recognise the need for it. It does seem that mostly HATs and other forms of content management get designed by folks who have at best an immature understanding of information lifecycles.

I made such a solution in Lotus Notes back in the 90s. It kept all versions of all topics, along with review comments. From a practical point of view, the Notes word processor stinks (think Notepad). And it has not improved since that time, either. As soon as you decide to use a real work processor, the ability to retain multiple versions and review comments is lost. But within that Notes-only project, it was a viable solution. You’d think a more generalised version would be feasible now, using an open source platform.

If only there were open source HATs, perhaps people who truly understand the processes could get involved and make them fit the real world. Actually they would not be HATs because “help” would be an optional form of content in them, along with web site content, learning material (including tests), presentations, artwork, social media feeds, and so on.

Let’s face it, current HATs are online help authoring tools that have had a few other “easy” formats bolted on. Even the new products have just brushup up the stale metaphore.

Many organisations have gone down the path of wikis. In reality they are a weak solution to the problem and I think the main drivers are (a) there’s not much else on offer (b) they are open source (c) they are chosen by developers, who think documentation is pretty much the same thing as source code.

This last point is probably a major influence on the design of wikis, too. Mature markup languages already existing before wikis were ever invented. OK, the designers didn’t like the idea of embedding complex tags, but unfortunately they also lost the subtlety and versatility provided by HMTL and XML and didn't replace it with anythying else. In the process they have locked wikis out of the types of content and functionality that I’ve mentioned previously.

Question: why does the tagging have to be embededed in the text at all? The text can easily be stored in a database, thus removing the need to contain any tags.

Evangelist sometimes tell me that XML is the answer because XML can do anything. My impression is that XML can’t do anything by itself and the environments in which it is managed seem to be absurdly complicated for making the same output as a word processor. I once had to make some simple changes to a DocBook template – things like headers and footers, title page, table of contents, styles and so on. It became a forensic investigation, trying to figure out where each of these things was actually defined. Mostly I ended up modifying XSLT files, which is not my idea of a productive design environment.

What I found lacking from the XML world was pretty much everything that I expect to be available in a document design and management system. XML was chosen by the developers because it was a good fit with their programming source control.

The path of least resistance is document management. Systems that suck all manner of content, including word processor documents, into a repository. Usually they provide workflow, collaboration and distribution, all of which are important. SharePoint is popular for smaller organisations, probably because of ease of installation and maintenance (disclosure: I have SharePoint 2003). SharePoint actually has a nice feature that seems to be lacking in open source solutions: it has limited awareness of document content. Unfortunately this is restricted to Word’s document properties (in my version, anyway).

Imagine the possibilities if the document management system was aware of all of the document’s content. I don’t just mean a dopey full text search: I’m thinking about a system that is aware of the structure and tagging of all the content. Suddenly you have the possibility of content re-use without destroying the source document. Even better, the source document is something that anybody in the organisation can create and edit, using the software they are familiar with.

The key to this is the ability to “round trip” content. That is, import the collection of paragraphs representing a document, do what you want with them in the content management (including re-use to different media and document types), then reproduce the original document and let the reviewers do their thing again. When second and subsequent versions get imported, each paragraph needs to be tagged as a version of its predecessor. This is where products like RoboHelp and Author-it lose the plot. You just can’t do that, because content management does not communicate with third-party content creation, so you don’t know if a paragraph is entirely new, or just a new version. Flare gets around this by providing a "lite" version of it's editor that you can install on every desktop, but this is just a variation of the HAT vendor trying to colonise every desktop.

Tagging of paragraphs is the key. Each one needs a globally unique ID that stays with it for life, and is traceable. This means the word processor has to allow “foreign” content in its content. Perhaps surprisingly, Word supports this but OpenOffice does not. You can easily test this by writing some custom content directly into the respective XML content files, then opening and saving. Word keeps the custom content, but OpenOffice does not.

I keep asking vendors if their tool respects custom content and get the same answer: "it validates against a DTD". In other words "no".

Will we ever see a “perfect” content management system that does it all? Programmers have given it their best shot and fallen a long way short of the mark. I fear it won’t happen until some savvy big-picture technical communicators get involved early in the design process. Which is to say, probably never.

08 May 2011

What would advanced training look like?

Much of the training that is targeted at technical communicators seems to revolve the creation and quality control of text. To my thinking, formatting, editing and punctuation are really editing skills, although I accept that they are also part of the landscape for many technical communicators.

These things are all skills that most people develop to a reasonable level in the first year of professional practice. No doubt they can be refined by further application but I’m adamant that 10 years of editing/writing is a case of arrested development if you are in fact a tech communicator rather than a career editor.

Such skills are what Americans refer to as “commodity technical writing”: user guides, screen captures and the like. Snaggit Monkeys, in less flattering language.

What kind of professional development comes next? Clearly it can branch in many directions and this has been stumbling block in scoping any certification. I suspect the problem arises because too much effort is wasted considering content-creation skills. No matter what kind of content is involved, this is just a variation of commodity tech writing.

Business coaches are forever trying to inspire owners to spend time working on the business, rather than just working in the business. And so it should be with advanced technical communication skills. Forgot about content creation and refinement. Instead, consider the environment in which the content exists. The whole-of-life planning and management. Process improvement. Not to mention the promotion of such skills.

These skills are a long way up the value chain from commodity tech writing, but how can they be nurtured? Are they even worth developing within the context of technical writing?

I’ve seen local surveys where potential employers rate the qualities they most value in technical writers. Invariable, the skills that are plain “commodity tech writing” rank highly. Probably this reflects the fact that non-expert employers, recruitment agencies and a pool of commodity tech writers have created a status quo. The employers and recruiters don’t know any better, and the tech writers typically don’t have any incentive to up-skill I (assuming they have the desire).

The big-picture aspects of technical communication are happening, but typically not with much involvement from technical writers. That’s not how it works under the status quo.

Happily, certification that focuses on advanced technical communication also sidesteps many of the problems of curriculum. We no longer need to worry about specific tools, particular industries or any other issues related authoring. Perhaps this a way forward with twenty-year impasse in technical communication certification?

08 March 2011

Who will test the tester?

Have you ever been asked to undertake a test as part of your job application? In the absence of any professional certification, it’s a reasonable approach for employers to take. Especially given that the majority of recruitment agents who short-list candidates are not equipped to filter expert from journeyman from “wannabe”.

As it happens I’ve done two tests in the last year, after a gap of maybe a decade. I wasn’t successful in either of those, but unfortunately neither of them was actually  a test of technical writing skills!

There’s a rather infamous test that used to be conducted by a company that does high-rate managed projects as well as placements. Maybe they still use it, although I’d say most candidates in Sydney would have done it by now. I was placed quite a few times by that company.

Anyway, the test stands out as being the most appropriate for technical writing that I’ve seen. You have to write instructions for the use of an everyday device, for an audience that has never heard of it.

This is a great test for some important reasons:

* Everybody has the required prior knowledge of the device, so there’s no issue of technical or domain exposure.

* It is genuinely a test of working with information, as distinct from working with content (i.e editing).

* It does not require expertise with any particular software. I did it with a pen and paper!

I did another test about 10 years ago that presented me with an excerpt from an actual passage of text from one of the prospective company’s engineers. I can understand the motivation for offering that as a test, and it had valid elements of working with information, but it was in the end more an editing test than a writing test.

When I began to refine the text, it became apparent it was describing two interdependent products. The extent of the interdependencies was not given in the text, so it required domain knowledge to process properly. That should never happen in a test! I must have done enough, because I did get that contract.

Skipping ahead 10 years, I was asked to demonstrate my competence in mapping processes. The example was completing a leave request form. The interviewer probably assumed everybody knows about such forms, which was, well, presumptuous! I’m actually not sure if I’ve ever used one, but it would certainly have been more than 20 years ago.

I took a punt at how I thought people used such forms in a bureaucratic organisation. In fact that was my undoing. I should have answered “that’s not a suitable process for me to demonstrate, could we use a different one please?”. Or else I should have written the process that I actually use which is “Advise client I will not be available in second week of April. End”.

I started thinking of steps that might be included in a large organisation as soon as I got in the lift, and kept thinking of others for the next two days!

Also last year I took another test that I think was prepared by a tech writing team, again using what looked like an extract from an engineer’s draft. But this time, it revolved around a very big screen capture image.

This created an instant dilemma: was the image an actual reflection of the software, or had it been created as a composite for the test? I suspected that it was a trick, and I was supposed to resolve that dilemma. I did as much of the test as possible without the resolution, and also created a template, and applied styles (wonder if they noticed?).

On the way out I pointed out that the instructions were not sufficient. The minder cut off my sentence and said “Yeh, there’s just not quite enough time to finish it, is there?”. As it turned out, I had given the testers more credit than was due. They just wanted candidates to break up the image into smaller parts. To make matters worse for me, it used Word 2007, which I had not used for three years except with my own customised toolbar (and only then at one client’s office that I visit maybe 10 days per year).

Let’s look at the ways this test was a failure: it was about editing rather than writing; the candidate’s objective was ambiguous; it assumed currency with a particular tool (which had not been given as a required skill); the main activity was to manipulate an image (and it was not a role that required graphical skills). That’s about as far away from the ideal  “everyday object” test as you could get.

Truly, we need some kind of certification for tech writing, to ensure a minimum standard of competency in candidates, and to protect candidates from unqualified skills testing. I've noticed that the Guru freelancing web site has some writing and editing tests, along with tests for just about every other kind of freelance skill. I'd like to evaluate them soon - stay tuned!

27 February 2011

Do smart systems make tech writers redundant?

Just finished watching a Discovery Channel documentary about the role of engineering in Formula 1 motor racing, and particularly the degree of driving automation that is possible.

For the pat 15 years, the sport has operated under arbitrary restrictions on driving automation. Previously, vehicles with features like “launch control” and automated gear changing dominated. It became clear to both fans and critics of the sport that human pilots were rapidly becoming the weak link.

The same trend continued in aviation. Both civil and military aircraft now operate for large parts of the flight cycle under full or partial automation. Increasingly that includes actual combat operations of military aircraft. Decision making has not been delegated to software, it’s just that implementing complex, multi-faceted task can be performed perfectly every time in a crisis. The actions may be based on “best practice” that has been developed and refined over many years, by leading experts.

A recurring thought during the program was “do technical writers have a role in this future?”. Thinking about the end-user experience, the need for documentation evaporates as systems become more intelligent and take over the operation of routine activities. Even the need for tech-savvy engineering writers diminishes when the engineers start using content management, collaboration and self-documenting strategies.

Take the mobile phone “voice calling feature”. Currently I need to read the guide to understand how to enable the feature. But in terms of talking to the phone, I don’t need instructions any more than I do to carry out a conversation.

When the silly and cumbersome setup procedures are ironed out of systems, the role of technical writing seems pretty minimal to me. Remember the early days of VCRs, which had absurdly non-intuitive controls? To a certain extent engineers learned from those mistakes, but much high-end entertainment gear these days can connect to a time server, or at least remember time and date for the life of the device. You just don’t see boxes with a flashing “12:00:00: clock very often these days.

The necessity of consumers to undertake silly, inconvenient procedures is surely diminishing. Business software still lags – just look at clunky ERP user interfaces. But the skills already exist for enabling machines to eliminate process complexity. It’s just a matter of time before they are applied to more and more systems in our work and private lives.

"Expert system" was a buzz word in the early 90s, but maybe now its time has come. As system intelligence increases, many user interfaces will simply disappear.

If your livelihood depends largely on pressing Alt-Print Screen, now is probably a good time to consider retraining

24 February 2011

Are you a user, or the used?

Heard an interesting interview with Douglas Rushkoff on Radio National this morning. In his recent "Program or be Programmed", he contends that anybody who does not understand the workings of computer programs is at the mercy of the social and economic captains who commissioned such software.

(O'Reilly book here: http://www.orbooks.com/our-books/program/)

Far from empowering individuals, he argues that social media manages connections and distribution of information in ways that are invisible to users. Apparently a recent survey (sorry did not get the source...) shows that Gen Y "digital natives" are actually more vulnerable to online scams and deception than earlier generations who think of digital media as just one among many sources, and therefore subject to manipulation.

Apparently the Gen Y users typically believe they discover information on the internet, rather than having it chanelled to them via subtle and pervasive mechanisms. Well that's my take on it, anyway.

This ties in with some thoughts I've expressed lately in the ASTC (NSW) LinkedIn group, where I question the impartiality of Google in providing search results via a secret formula.

Not only that. I feel vindicated in my aversion to new but not improved versions of MS Word!